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what it means for me to be blooming where I'm planted.

I've often found myself stagnant and waiting for so much of my time here at university. Waiting for life to settle. Waiting for enough money. Waiting for someone to come along and walk alongside me. And what's that meant is that I've put off so many new experiences, and missed out on so many things while waiting for everything to be just right. Yet, anyone who's anyone, would know that life runs in parallels. There's always a million and one things going on, and you can't take a hiatus every time something demands your complete attention. Nope. You simply have to attend to that one thing along with the other million things, and though it can feel a bit like a juggling act, you still manage, because the truth is we're wired to thrive no matter the craziness of life. So what that means for me is that life has gone on, with the consistent busyness, and while I've waited for everything to slow down, what I've really missed out on is doing the things that challenge me, fill me with joy, and allow me to flourish and bloom right here.

So what are some of the things that I hope to in the way of blooming where I'm planted? Firstly, its starting this blog right here and writing more because it fills me with so much joy to do so. It means trying new things - hiking, swimming with sharks, jumping of waterfalls, photography, hot air ballooning... you name it. It means stepping out of my comfort zone to meet people from different walks of life and learning, growing and bettering myself. It means working my body hard because I don't want to ever wonder just how strong it is, and what its capable of. It means doing more of the little things I love - watching sunrises, reading more books, reaching out to loved ones, for quality time,and trying new foods. It means stretching my faith through my quiet time, but also inviting dialogue from others. It means loving the me that I am right now, the mess that I can be, and the flawed being that I am, and knowing that Rome wasn't built in a day and every day I still make progress. It means taking my gifts and talents, and no longer laying them to the wayside as I wait to arrive; but realising that right here, right now, is a perfect time to begin.

I hope you'll join me as I explore the many facets of blooming where you're planted - the joys, the frustrations, the losses and the victories - and knowing that even in taking steps backward, I am still blooming.

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